Yukon Fishing

Yukon Fishing

Here you will find lakes full of trophy-sized northern pike, giant lake trout, and beautiful arctic grayling.

Located deep in the boreal forests of the southeast Yukon Territory, Toobally Lakes is one of the best lake trout, northern pike, and arctic grayling fisheries in the world. It’s not uncommon for our guests to catch and release 50-plus fish in a single day. While most Yukon fishing lodges will host a hundred or more anglers each season, only about thirty will fish our waters in an entire season. Our catch and release program started more than 30-years ago and has proven to be a huge success.

Lake Trout Fishing
There are two proven techniques spin-fishers can use to catch lake trout.

Trolling for Lake Trout: Medium-heavy, fast action rods spooled with 20 lb mono or braided line are preferred for lake trout. The T-60 flatfish, Eppinger Husky Senior, and Junior lures are top choices.

Jigging for Lake Trout: Medium-heavy, fast action rods with baitcasting reels work best for this type of fishing. One, to two-ounce, tube or bucktail jigs work very well. White, chartreuse and black colored jigs are the most popular. Bondy Baits are another popular option.

Fly Fishing for Lake Trout: A lot of fly fishers are surprised to find out that lake trout can be readily taken on a fly rod. Lake trout are a cold-water species and prefer water temperatures of 55 degrees Fahrenheit. In southern regions, this forces the trout down to depths that are impossible for fly fishers to reach. In the far north, it’s a different story altogether. From ice-out in late May, through the first half of July, the top of the water column remains within the temperature range lake trout prefer. Large schools of lake trout can often be seen cruising across shallow shoals searching for prey. Deceivers, jointed saltwater rigs, rabbit fur strip leeches, and the clowser minnow are all top producers. 9-10 Wt fly rods with large arbor reels are a must for these fish.

READ: Yukon Lake Trout Fishing

Grizzly Creek Lodge - Canada Fishing Lodge
Arctic Grayling
Yukon Fishing Pike

Fishing in the Yukon for Northern Pike

Few outdoor experiences can match an afternoon battling these aggressive predators. Prolific and pugnacious, northern pike has a ravenous appetite. Huge trophy-class pike are one of the Yukon’s best-kept secrets. Although pike are not picky, Eppinger spoons are a hands-down favorite. Whether you are using a fly rod or spinning gear, good leaders are a must.

READ: Fishing in the Yukon Territory

Fishing in the Yukon for Arctic Grayling

These feisty fish are easily one of the most beautiful freshwater species in the world. Arctic grayling are voracious feeders and great fighters that often breakwater. A 6-foot ultra-light spinning rod with a fast tip is recommended. Fly fishing for Grayling using rods from 3 to 5 Wt. work well and should be equipped with a floating line. Small spinners, jigs, and dry flies like the elk hair caddis are favored for these fish.

Guests are welcome to bring their own gear, but it’s not necessary. We have a variety of high-end rods on hand for our guests to use at no extra charge. This includes both spinning, and fly rods.

READ: Fly Fishing for Arctic Grayling

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